CULTURE IMPACT is ndc's unique culture framework. Our framework is designed to capture the strongest factors which impact strategic culture alignment. When assessing culture, we need to ensure culture is measured to understand:
Over 15 years we have worked on a number of cultural transformation projects and used a number of culture frameworks. We found that:
We therefore created Culture Impact as a simple, pragmatic and understandable framework to culture measurement. These areas are informed by the research of Richard Barrett, Dr Ian Macdonald and Carolyn Taylor and from our own experience of culture transformation projects.
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Values include:
Culture Impact is a flexible framework which can incorporate other areas of focus. We realise each organisation is different and that there maybe other areas which the organisation may want to focus, such as 'Quality' or 'Risk'. Similarly there may be other culture levers which could be included, for example, compliance, legal, finance management. Culture Impact is able to include additional culture levers which are relevant to your organisation.
Links to Strategic growth. Examines current culture drivers (behaviours, systems and symbols) and Values in Action.
Employees give their views freely and with no fear of recrimination & forensic groups find more detailed data for more effective solutions.
Several techniques used to give a full culture picture including the Strategic Culture workshop, Culture Survey and Forensic Culture Groups.
The framework is not rigid and can be tailored to meet specific culture needs.
Designed to be understood by all and linked directly to the business.